
The Narrow Path

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Planet Earth

It was never my specific intention to raise boys who love animals, nature, and all things created by our Uncreated God. Yet, both David and Jonathan have grown (7 & 5 now) into young men who love animals, birds, flowers, leaves, even insects...and want to value and cherish life in all shapes and forms. At their young age, when other kids are watching or reading about cartoons or other "kid stuff", my boys sit on the couch reading and memorizing the different birds from the "Birds of North America" book. To be fair to them, they do like their Star Wars stuff and other things boys their age do, but their interest in zoology is definitely something special that Julie and I are trying to nurture each and every day. I don't know where this will lead...will they be zoologists some day? Maybe...

Their favorite video of all time is the Planet Earth video series by BBC released in the past 5 years or so. It truly is an amazing video series and even more amazing when watching it with and through the eyes of a 5 and 7 year old boy filled with wonder. During our vacation in August we watched all 9 episodes (again) in 6 days time and we loved it.

I was reminded of it this morning in my friend Aaron's blog and wanted to share it with you as well.

Enjoy, and try to wrap your mind around a Creator God who knows and is intimately aware of every creature that lives and moves on this earth...

...or this one...which is even better...

1 comment:

Amrita said...

God bless you brother as you are raising your children to appreciate God 's handiwork