
The Narrow Path

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Our New Home...For Now

It is Saturday evening and we are getting ready for our second Sunday here in St. Louis. Tomorrow Julie and I will be interviewed by Matt Herndon (the Lead Pastor at Rooftop) during both services. In the meantime, we are getting settled into our new home and really enjoying life here in the city of St. Louis. Our house is small for a family of 7, but we are managing okay. We love our neighbors and the street we live on. The houses are beautiful and I have walked up to the local hardware store multiple times with the boys in the 10 days we have been here.

A fellow Rooftopper Hudson stopped over earlier this week and took some pictures of our family and our home.

Here is a shot of our back yard and the alley that runs behind it... is small, but the kids manage well and unlike our home in Grand Rapids, we have a finished basement for them to play in.

Our new home...


Mom x 3 said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Creo Productions said...

Great photos; cool house!

Amrita said...

adorable pics