
The Narrow Path

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2013 Reynosa, Mexico Trip - Wednesday Morning - Post #4

This morning as I opened up the Word to see what God might have for me here in Reynosa on Wednesday morning, I continued reading through Romans chapter 1.  The last couple days this idea of "exchanging" has really come alive to me.  One of the great, if not the greatest atrocities that man has committed is that he...we...I have exchanged God, His glory, His truth, for much, much lesser things.  In the beginning we hadGod fully and intimately and yet in our sin and rebellion, we "exchanged" the beauty and glory of God the Creator, the Infinite One and instead chose lies, foolishness, creatures and created things.  From God's perspective and any human glimpse of reality or what is actually true...this really is criminal.

Yet, through Jesus Christ and His death for us, accomplishing the work of God in offering us new life...we can now exchange the emptiness that is our life of sin and rebellion for the very life and power of our Lord Jesus once again.  This is something that I have been trying to do actively and consciously throughout my days of late...when I recognize myself as the center, when I am (by God's wonderful grace) convicted of my sins and my feeble efforts and failures...I can now in Jesus Christ hand all those over in exchange for grace, for love, for power, for the Holy Spirit who is always ready to "give me Jesus".  In fact, He never always at the ready...always standing guard on the tower of our lives ready to give us Jesus if we will just stop and repent, confess our failure and desperation for Him and the Holy Spirit will gladly, enthusiastically, and powerfully exchange for us Jesus once again.

May each of us take a moment and exchange our sins, the feeble efforts and control we will try to exercise in our lives today, and in return receive Jesus, His grace, His love, His truth and His salvation once again.  May we today, with His active presence in us through the Holy Spirit live in the peace and purpose that God has to offer us today.

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